Using the StarWheel Deck

How To Use The StarWheel Vortex Mandalas

The StarWheel Mandalas are a spiritual technology and the StarWheel Vortex Cards can be used in two ways:
1. For Practical Help and Applications as powerful tools for divinatory consultation, transmutation of energy, energy clearing, healing, Chi empowerment, Feng-Shui management… as well as psychological integration and spiritual guidance.
2. For Mystical Purposes as doorways into higher dimensions for deep meditation, ecstatic contemplation, inner-plane navigation… and the experience of communing with the Beauty and the Oneness of the Universal Spirit.

for using the StarWheel Vortex Cards:

1. Find a quiet place in your home or in nature where you won’t be distracted by external interruptions. Make it nice and clean so it feels special and sacred. At an auspicious spot, create and place an offering to the Spirit of Life.
2. Move to a feeling of centeredness and clarity within your body-mind-spirit by relaxing, taking a few deep breaths and shifting your awareness to the present moment.
3. Unlock your vision from daily physical/material concerns and give yourself permission to open up to more subtle levels of perception and consciousness.
4. Call upon your spirit guardians, angels, ancestors and any Being of Light to assist you in finding clarity and giving you the lessons & gifts you need to receive. Pray and ask the Great Spirit to be present in your consultation.
5. Nurture an attitude of reverence, sacredness and simple wonder. Allow yourself to have a childlike openness and an eager curiosity to explore Life and Yourself.
6. Clearly write down or articulate in your mind your INTENTION or purpose:

HEALING for a specific situation or person
General or specific PROTECTION
MANIFESTATION of a wish or project
Spiritual BLISS
The CELEBRATION of Life & Spirit
The Joy of BEAUTY
ONENESS with the Divine Universe




We recommend that you go progressively from the Single Image Spread to the Full StarWheel Spread. Spirit will guide you.

The Single SW Image Spread


Take the SW Deck in your left hand, FACE DOWN. Shuffle it and spread it in your hand or on a table. Slowly pass your hand over the deck and let your inner guidance pick one card. Place the card FACE DOWN in front of you.

The Small Four Directions SW Spread

  This time, pick 5 SW Vortex cards and place them in the following pattern:


The StarWheel Medicine Spread

For this spread, pick 12 cards and place them in a circle,
following a clockwise pattern.

The four main “stones” of the Medicine Wheel are in the North position (12), East (3), South (6) and East (9). Each “hour” of the Wheel of Life “clock” is a cycle of 7 years in the human life, creating together four ages of life: youth, adult age, maturity and old age.
The overall Wheel is divided into a half-cycle of material expansion (1 to 6) and a half-cycle of spiritual expansion (6 to 12).

The Full StarWheel Spread

After shuffling thoroughly, all SW cards are spread clockwise in a large circle and you sit in the middle. If you give a reading to someone else, your readee sits in the middle.
Depending on the space available, cards may need to be overlapped. That’s okay as long as you can see a good portion of all of them. Be conscious of the four directions and start laying the SW cards from the North position.


a. Instructions for the Single StarWheel Image Consultation

GUIDANCE: With your intention of guidance clear in your heart, slowly turn your card up, look at it with a soft gaze and allow answers to come to you in the form of feelings, inner promptings, insights... If needed, slowly turn the card in various directions or look at some specific details. Wait until you experience a resolution, a healing or a feeling of complete peace.
Note: It is preferable that you look at the Title, Keyword and Sutra only after you have had a good encounter with the SW image itself.

DAILY REMINDER: As a flash-reminder, the mandala will reactivate a specific quality of Vortex wisdom. You can leave a SW card in your bathroom, kitchen or car as a conscious centering spirit presence. You can change your SW each day, for a week or a month, and thus make your daily life a vortex wisdom pilgrimage.

MEDITATION : In a mode of meditative gazing, let your soul, inner vision, emotions, child-like wonder... freely journey in and out of the mandala. Allow yourself to explore and enter a symbol, color or shape you are attracted to. Ask for a learning or insight from Spirit. Experiment with closing your eyes and seeing the SW in your mind’s eye, either as a doorway to enter or as a spinning vortex to navigate.

ASCENSION MAPPING: Some SW cards will help you expand into higher levels of consciousness by mapping out higher octaves of frequencies or dimensions, in resonant harmony with the octave of the human experience. They will visually imprint a dimensional jump in your consciousness and remind you of the multi-dimensional universe we live in.

INTUITIVE READING FOR OTHERS: Ask your readee to pick a main SW Card and allow your psychic wisdom to read the colors, geometries, symbolic codes, energy dynamics and melodies that can assist the person to further blossom.

Below is an open list of uses & intentions supported by specific StarWheel mandalas. This list is the result of experimentation and feedback from users & healers. This is not a one-to-one recipe listing: intentions are multi-layered and so are the StarWheels. Be creative explorers and co-create a global culture based on vibrational awareness from your own experiences.
This list covers the entire collection of StarWheel mandalas: 108 template images as displayed on the StarWheel Gallery page of The first StarWheel 
deck (SW 73-108 / Galaxy) has been published in 2009. Two other decks (SW 37-72 / Sunstar and SW 1-36 / Mother Earth) are planned for 2010.

ASCENSION MAPPING. The best SW cards for Ascension Mapping are: 31 - 35 - 42 - 46 - 52 57 - 6174 - 71 - - 
SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION: Some SW cards will be of gentle assistance to help you be quiet, sit in meditation and go to the center within. The best SW cards for Spiritual Inspiration are: all SWs and specially 33 - 50 - 56 - 78 - 106
CHI CHARGING: A SW Vortex card may also be used as a radionic or life-force plate to energize some picture, object, medicine or food and imbue it with the quality of the SW card. You may want to place a clear glass on top in order to protect it: this will be an energizing base to place objects to be charged with Chi or life force. The best SW to use for Chi Charging are: 19 - 28 - 38 - 75 - 76 - 91 - 93 - 94 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 101 - 105 
HEALING: The SW Vortex Cards can be placed on specific spots of the body. Ask Spirit which image may assist a condition or fulfill a healing intention. The cards can be placed on the chakras, on top of the body or under the body. The best SW cards for Healing are: 16 - 17- 24 - 31 - 54 - 83 - 87 - 90 - 95 - 103 - 108
RELATIONSHIP WORK: Sit opposite your partner (or imagine him/her sitting in front of you). Each partner picks a SW card. Take turn to learn from your own card and then exchange the cards to learn something from your partner’s point of view. See what the two cards have in common, how they can complement each other and create a larger harmony. The best SW cards for Relationship Work are: 36 - 39 - 55 - 66 - 77
DREAM WORK: Place one chosen SW card under the pillow, or under the mattress. Before going to sleep, ask your spirit guides to assist you in your dreamtime explorations. The best SW to use for Dream Work are: 53 - 82 - 96 - 107
PROTECTION: For personal protection, make a copy of the SW card and carry it on yourself (pocket, wallet…). For house protection, place a SW card near the front door (under the mat, above the door…) For car protection, place a SW card under the driver’s mat and also on the dashboard. The best SW to use for Protection are: all SWs and specially 15 - 21 - 47 - 49 - 72 - 81 - 100
PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT: As a remedy for the moments when you get lost in the daily details and feel small and confused, put on your desk, dashboard or wallet a copy of a SW card that energizes you and reminds you of the Larger Size of your Spirit Expansion and brings your focus back to the Cosmic Mandala. The best SW to use for Personal Empowerment are: 43 - 45 - 63 - 89 - 94 - 95
INTENTION BOOSTING: You can empower and support your clear intentions by writing then on a piece of paper and placing them on the following SW: 22 - 38 - 43 - 51- 89 - 97
DNA ACTIVATION: The human DNA is based on the Golden Ratio resonance. Most SW directly speak the harmonic language of the nucleotide sequences in the DNA and will boost the activation of dormant DNA to the next level of consciousness you are ready to enter. You do not necessarily have to be aware of the activation: it oftentimes happens on subconscious levels by a color frequency or a geometric shape that keys into unactivated DNA and literally vibrates it to resonate with your overall DNA music. The best SW to use for DNA Activation are: all SWs but specially 61 - 69 - 70 - 84
PAST LIVES: Some SW cards are conducive to past lives regression work. The best SW cards for Past Lives are: 25 - 27 - 32 - 58 - 59 - 65 - 98
NUMEROLOGY READING: The symmetry number of the SW mandala (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 or 12-fold) will help you with a numerology reading. Count the number of elements in the various portions of the StarWheel. Also look for left-right and top-down symmetries as well as the number aspect of the symbolic shapes.

b. Instructions for the StarWheel Four Directions Consultation

After laying the cards in the Four Directions Spread, turn the cards around, FACE UP.
The Center card is NOW. You are standing at the center, focusing on your heart and ready to expand your present situation/feeling into the next higher level of consciousness and achievement. The Center Card gives you insights into increasing your awareness of the present moment and its power.
The Down (South) Card is a window into what you are leaving behind, what you have outgrown. It has become too small for you, too limited. Bless it, thank it for all the beautiful lessons you have learned and let go of it, like a memory in the wind. Forgive yourself and others and remember only the love & beauty that was somehow always part of this past.
The Left (West) and Right (East) Cards represent the possible expansions of your two polarities: the Feminine and Masculine aspects that we need to integrate for balance. It is like extending your arms and hugging your mother & father or your son & daughter.  Find in the Left card all the shapes, colors, symbols that can support the blossoming of your Female/Feminine side. And look at the Right Card for all the qualities that can be supportive of your Male/Masculine side. Open up to the spiritual qualities of the Goddess and the God. And embody in your life their Dance of Harmony. The New Paradigm is about embracing and integrating the polarities & dualities of the past.
The top card represents the North, the vertical destination of the evolutionary spiritual journey. It is also the Original Source, the place where we come from and go back to. Look at the Top SW Card for suggestions and pointers about your next step in life and consciousness.
The Four Directions Spread consultation is about increasing the Beauty & Consciousness of your present experience by integrating the Beautiful moments of the past, the Feminine and Masculine aspects of Beauty and the Beauty of the Divine Source.


c. Instructions for the StarWheel Medicine Wheel Consultation


After laying the cards in the Medicine Wheel Spread, turn the cards around, FACE UP.
The Medicine Wheel Consultation is about bringing into your awareness the cycles of life and about using the power of the Wheel to energize dreams, prayers, wishes and specific projects. This is the teaching of the Medicine Wheel: coming from Spirit, appearing into the material world and returning to Spirit.
In the StarWheel Medicine Wheel Consultation, Center is the spot where you place your own seed: an intention, idea, project that you want to MANIFEST through its full cycle.
We suggest that you also write it on a piece of paper or a wooden token and move it successively through each of the twelve spots around the wheel. At each location, your intention or project will be empowered by the additional frequencies of color & manifestation emitted from that specific StarWheel.
It could even be that you place yourself at the center and go through your own life cycle! If your project or intention is already manifested, you can start at any corresponding point in the Wheel’s cycle.
The StarWheels in the Medicine Wheel Consultation are like empowerment stations on a evolutionary journey. We need to learn how to see the whole journey, from origin to destination and we also need, simultaneously, to give full attention to each step. The SW Medicine Wheel Consultation can help you keeping in balance the Small (each step), the Large (the whole wheel) and the Whole (the universe).
North (the origin “0” and return “12”) is the place of the Seed being nurtured within the womb of Mother Earth in the winter season. It is the place where babies, ideas, projects, visions and dreams are first conceived and carried as a first imprint of Spirit. Their destiny is to go through the cycle of birth/manifestation, flowering, maturity, harvest and eventually old age.
Following Birth (1) and Infancy (2), East (4) is the place of the Spring season when the seed sprouts and teenagers explore the life force flowing in their growing bodies. As plants and people grow up to full adulthood in the South, they are starting to enter the mature age of summer when the flowers bloom and form the fruits.
The South/Summer position (6) marks the transition from the half-cycle of material expansion to the complementary half-cycle of spiritual expansion or Spiritual Return. The physical aspects of the life force energy are receding and perception of reality turns from external focus to a progressively more internal focus (7 & 8).
As mature age settles in, at the West position (9), the season of Fall shows us muted and more subtle aspects of nature: the fruits start to crack open and their seeds begin to fall into the earth, in preparation for another cycle of growth. Humans become elders (10 & 11) and gather the wisdom of life in order to pass it on to the next generations. It is time to prepare for the Great Transition (12) into another realm of consciousness.

Projects, visions, ideas or wishes are all following the same Life Cycle. The SW Medicine Wheel Spread will help you to track the organic progress of various aspects of you and your life. It will help you to follow a harmonic process for manifesting your life journey in a way that is based on nature. Each position around the Wheel has its beauties and challenges. The StarWheel showing in each position will be giving you advice as to the progress of your project or wish and, generally speaking, where  you are at in your overall journey.


d. Instructions for the Full StarWheel Spread

After you lay out the full SW deck in a circle, step in (or invite your readee to step in), sit or stand facing North and slowly turn around the circle three times, clockwise. Feel that you are in the center of Yourself, of Life and Spirit: you are fully protected and yet all opportunities are fully open. Be aware of the personal presence of all the cards, face up: each one is emitting their own frequency and contributing their own gifts.

The full SW Circle is a Sacred Temple space
ready to assist you in many wonderful ways!

Imagine or sense one of the following:

-    You are the source of the universe and you are surveying it all around. Let yourself be attracted by one or another SW card and reach out to it in order to receive a gift of re-creation, co-creation, change or some healing, as it spontaneously comes to you.
-    You are given an opportunity to see all your successive incarnations into the worlds of differentiated form, from the point of view of your Pure Spirit Being. Allow intuitive remembrance to evoke memories or resonant connections and embrace these various colorful faces of yourself.
-    You are at a Galactic party, meeting many other brothers & sisters of the Universal family, from many other civilizations. And you are especially attracted to some of them in the form of a SW card. Let the exchange be rich and fruitful. Listen to the telepathic languages that they may want to share with you. Enjoy the new shapes, colors and forms that they will offer you. And reciprocate with your own gifts.
-    You are the Cosmic Dancer and you twirl around to encounter all the successive partners you want to involve in your Spiraling Celebration. Pick a couple SW cards that inspire you to continue and expand your Dance. Or just freely experience the joy of expressing ecstasy in movement and chants alone, with a partner or All-One.
-    You just let yourself be attracted by one SW card. Pick it up and, while sitting in the middle of the circle, ask Spirit to show you some hidden message in the card. Look at the other SW cards close to the one you picked: there is meaning in that proximity.
-    Use the power of the Sacred Circle in the full SW Spread. You don’t need to even select a card. Just draw on the power of all of them and incorporate that power within yourself, while sitting in meditation at the center.
-    Place at the center of the SW Full Circle an image of a person you would like to heal or empower. In meditation, ask their spirit permission to do so.
-    Write on a piece of paper a goal, dream or wish you want to manifest and place the paper in the middle of the Full SW Circle. Let the Full SW Circle do the job.

e. Instructions for using the StarWheel Sutras

Refer to the main page on SW Sutras

- Allow the words and metaphors ("that which brings beyond") to speak to your right brain and to expand your imagination. These words are fruits & flowers in a garden and you, as a hummingbird, are flying over, sipping bountiful nectar at your leisure.
- Speak the Sutra aloud: to a live audience, to the mountain as you climb it, to the labyrinth as you walk it or to the ocean, as you stand on the shore of Self. Talk or chant the SW Sutra to your self. And listen attentively to the response from the universe.
- You can also whisper the words to a dear friend physically next to you, or read them and send them on the wings of spirit to a friend far away. Know that anybody you even think of will instantly hear you on the infinitely intelligent inner net of the universe.
- You can also go to another SW card and explore its Sutra as another window into yourself or your situation, for comparison or reference.
- If you read a line that really touches your soul, write it elegantly in a special piece of paper and stick it on your altar, your bathroom or your kitchen as a reminder to yourself.
- Write in your own Sutra for a SW card that really talks to you.

f. Instructions for using the StarWheel Picto-Koans

Refer to the main page on SW Picto-Koans

- View the whole Picto-Koan (block of 9 glyphs) as a familiar dream language that you are just starting to remember. Let these glyphs speak to you their magical hiero-graphic language. Feel the texture and 3D structure of the glyphs.  Let the glyphs go from static objects to dynamic flows. And learn how to respond, as in a telepathic communication exercise.
-  Listen within for the musical notes and melodic songlines that resonate from the glyphs and let your body jump up and orchestrate their sonic dynamics. Note: oftentimes, it takes two people to best embody and render symmetrical glyphs.
- The center glyph depicts the simplified, yantra rendition of the Mandala while the surrounding glyphs point to the main aspects of the StarWheel transmission.
- If the Picto-Koan is too small, enlarge it or go to the SW Picto-Koan page on and download to appropriate size.
- Pick a specific glyph that calls you and, in your mind's eye or upon the sandy ground or on a floating paper, re-create it. Play with it, blow it up and enter it like a dimensional doorway or a temple unfolding for you its initiatic power & treasures.
- Now, you can design your own universe and manifest it back in your own earth life.

The StarWheel Mandalas, Sutras and Picto-koans
are various Faces of the Same Presence: YOU as DIVINE



Suggestions for Inner-Plane StarWheel Experiences
(Dimensional Access)

 1. Leave the usual space-time perception behind you by raising your frequency through:
- Performing the exercises / practices that work best for you to circulate your energy and activate your higher chakras: breath work, yogic postures, toning and sacred chants like Kirtans…
- Unlocking your vision from physical perception (flatland trance) through regular meditation and focusing on the more subtle inner worlds of light.
- Exploring and establishing an attitude of devotion, spiritual awe, reverence and sacredness. Let your cosmic child sing, chant and dance. Expand your mystical joy and bliss.
- Asking the assistance of your spiritual guides and angels.

2. Enter the StarWheel environment as a temple of Pure Presence, letting your innate synaesthetic sense (cross-channel sensory perception) explore freely the shapes / colors / sounds / fragrances / tastes / motions... you are attracted to. Surf the SW landscape as a bird flying overhead, gracefully following air currents: sense how some shapes and colors call you to sweep down for a closer look.

3. Allow your vision to "soften" and perceive the pulsing effects / affects created by the mandala. See that various layers of depth (background/foreground) are woven into a mutual interaction. Play with "active vision" (projective) and "passive vision" (receptive). Let your vision take you on a ride, as you would trust an experimented guide. Allow your Third Eye to freely create animations, perspectives and 3D effects. Experiment with "stereogram" techniques of focusing "behind" the image and then "in front" of the image. Vary the distance between you and the mandala as if you were looking through a microscope or a telescope (or a kaleidoscope).

4. Experiment with the Yoga of Perception. Practice gazing at the periphery of the mandala, then at the various layers, going towards the center. Go back and forth. Notice how portions of the image disappear and re-appear. Play with clockwise (sunwise) and counter-clockwise (moonwise) directions and types of visual vortexing / spiraling. Vary the size of your "beams" of attention. Gaze gently in the direction of the center of the mandala and try, simultaneously, to distinctly see the periphery. Practice letting the center disappear as a design to then open it up like a flower of light, ready to welcome you in.

5. Invite your whole body / energy field to tune in to your live pulsing heartbeat and to gently move into a resonant dance. In turn, shrink and expand your body to enter various scales and magnitudes of the SW Mandala. What would be the sound and musical tune of this mandala?

6. Let go of the mandala-as-object, close your eyes, enter the flower-center and follow the dance of the higher-dimensional hologram calling upon you. You can either visualize the overall geometry, single out some specific symbol/detail or just embrace the full Void of infinity. Allow your consciousness to merge and jump into / through the Sacred Gate, at the hub of the StarWheel.

Note: In India, students of yoga ashrams are given a mandala to meditate upon, oftentimes coupled with a mantra and yogic postures & practices.  This mandala is specifically chosen for them. The student's task is to enter in such intimate relationship with their mandala that they will eventually "break in and through", i.e. enter the center point as a doorway and literally access another dimensional reality, beyond the flat appearance of the design. This is considered "knowing" a mandala, the goal of the mandala practice: sort of a mystical communion.

When it is your perfect time for the opening-of-the-gate, realize that you are merging with a Face of Who You Are. Release all fear and call all love as you experience new levels within the Mandala of All That Is.

7. Gently slow down the frequency and land back through the center of the StarWheel. Offer thanks and gratitude.


... Such is the practice of being
a pilgrim to the Sacred Sites of the StarWheel Vortex cards…
